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Google Ads: Complete Tutorial 2022 (AdWords) – Step-by-Step | AdWords and Google Ads Specialist

What’s up? My name is Sana Kakar. And in this Blog, I’m gonna show you everything you need to know to successfully start running Google Ads. This is probably one of my most valuable videos so far, because what I’m gonna be teaching you in this video is something that I paid a lot of money for to learn through courses from people who are making over $100,000 per month in profit using Google Ads. And now, I’m giving it all the way for free in this video.

This is a complete A to Z guide, a step-by-step course on Google Ads. So if you’re looking for a video showing you exactly how to set up your Google Ads correctly, so you pay as little as possible for the most amount of customers as possible, then keep watching. This is the perfect video for you. And if this is the first time you’re watching one of my videos, then welcome to my channel. My name is Simon, and I create videos about how to grow your business using real strategies. In my videos, you always get the best information and never holding anything back. So if you wanna see more videos just like this one, then subscribe through the channel. So you don’t miss any upcoming videos.

Now, I know that setting up your first Google Ads can be quite intimidating because eventually you’re spending money on advertising. So if you don’t set it up correctly, you might end up losing a lot of money. So I highly recommend to watch this video all the way through. So you really understand how Google Ads actually work and how to set it up correctly. I know this is a bit of a longer video, but I promise you that by the end of it, you know more than 90% of everybody who’s actually running Google Ads and you’ll be saving a lot of time, money, and energy in the long run.

Also, at the end of this video, I’ll share with you some pro tips on how to lower your cost per click and increase your conversion rates. So you’ll make more money. So let’s not waste any more time and get started right away. All right. Welcome on my computer. Before I get started with the actual tutorial, I wanna get a couple of things out of the way. So the first thing is that if I talk too slow or too fast, you can always change the speed of the video. Just go to the bottom right of your video screen to the video settings where you can change the speed to 1.25 if I talk too slow or to 0.75 if I talk too fast for example.

And also, I’m leaving timestamps to all the topics I’m covering in this video in the video description below, or you can just hover over the progress part of the video and then you also see the topic that I’m talking about in that specific part of the video. So if something you already know or you just wanna see skip or you wanna come back to a certain part, just hover over the progress bar and then click on the part that you’re looking for.

And also, if you have any questions throughout the video, make sure you’re leaving down below in the comment section because I really try to go in the comment section and then answer your questions there. So make sure if you have any question, just leave them down below in the comment section and maybe all also some other people who know Google Ads will come and help you out. This can be like a community section below in the comment section so we can help out each other.

And also, if you find this really helpful at any point, feel free to get this video a like because it really helps out the video. So more people can find it and it also helps out my channel. So I can create more videos for you guys. So with that being said, let’s get into the tutorial. All right. So the first thing I wanna talk about is how Google Ads actually work and why they are so powerful. I know many of you already know this, but I want us to all start at the same page and I want us to talk about the same things later on in the tutorial.

So let’s say I’m in the market for a new wooden watch because my friend likes wooden watches, I wanna get one for him for his birthday. So I go to Google and I type in wooden watch. Wooden watch is my keyword. People type in keywords into the Google search bar. And then Google gives me search result based on what I type in the search bar. So these are search results that come up for me personally when I type in wooden watch. So when we take a close look at those search results, we notice that here in the front of the URL that comes up is ad.

So it says ad in front of the URL which means that somebody paid to appear here on the first page of Google when somebody types in wooden watch. The same thing with the second search result, it also says ad. When we take a look at the third search result, you see that it doesn’t say ad in front of the URL, which means that this one is an organic search result. So nobody paid to appear here on the search result. The person who owns this website is just, or this website is what Google thinks is most relevant to my search here to my keyword that I type into Google.

So here for this specific keyword, we have two ads and then we have the first organic search results. When you go to the second page of Google, or when you scroll all the way down on the first page, you might see even more ads or on some pages, you also see shopping ads where you see specific products on the top of Google. But in this tutorial, I’m gonna show you exactly how to set up one of these ads here. So how you can pay to appear in front of people when they type in specific keywords that are related to what you are offering to your specific product.

Now, what happens when somebody clicks on your ads and what happens when I would click on this specific website? Well, for me as somebody who’s just looking for a wooden watch, I don’t really notice that this is an ad because I will just land on the online shop of this specific website, which is TruWood. And then I can go and I can buy my watch.

But for the advertiser who put this ad here, they will have to pay for my click. So with every click that gets, with every click that this ad gets, they might pay 50 cents, they might pay $1, they might pay $2 or even $4, depending on what they are bidding and depending on what Google says and they should pay, but more on how this works with the, how much you have to pay per click later in the tutorial.

So let’s say he pays $1 for every click that he gets on this ad. So for 50 clicks, he will pay $50. But let’s say every 50 clicks, one of those people who clicks this ad will buy a new watch. And for every watch that this store sells, they make a profit of, let’s say $80. So with every 50 clicks, they have to pay $50 to Google, but they make $80 back because they sell a watch. So they have a profit margin of $30.

That’s how you can do good paid advertising on Google and profitable advertising. You just have to make sure that you get more back from the customers you get from your clicks than what you have to pay for your clicks. And throughout the tutorial, I will show you how to get the lowest cost possible for your clicks and the highest conversion rates.

So why are Google Ads so powerful?

Well, the reason is because there is buyer’s intent behind specific keywords. So when we compare, for example, Facebook ads with Google Ads, it’s an entire different thing because on Facebook, let’s say, I’m just, I’m bored. I go to Facebook, I scroll, maybe I wanna see what my friends are doing, maybe I wanna see some funny cat videos. So I’m not very likely to go ahead and buy something.

So I wanna see an ad of a leather watch. I’m not very likely to actually buy it. But with Google, when I type in modern leather watch, I’m ready to, I’m actually interested in a modern leather watch. I’m probably in the market for it, or when I type in a modern leather watch store, something like that, then I’m very likely to wanna find a store and then I wanna spend money at that store.

So these keywords are very valuable. So you can really put your offer, your service, your product in front of the people that are actually searching for what you are offering. That’s why Google Ads are so powerful. And in this tutorial, I’m gonna show you how to set up a Google ad for those specific keywords that are related to the product or to the service that you are selling. All right. So now that we understand how Google Ads work, let’s get ourselves a new Google Ads account.

I highly recommend that for each business or each store that you have, you set up a new Google Ads account to really not mess things up with your other products if you have multiple businesses. So what you can also do is if you type in something like Google Ads 100 credit, something like that, then you, maybe you find some kind of Google Ads voucher where you can get some free money basically. When you spend like $150 here, Google gives you you another $150 to spend on ads. So it basically, I get free traffic. This isn’t only, this isn’t available in all countries.

So you can see here, it’s only available in the United States. And personally, I live in Switzerland and I didn’t find something like that for me. The only thing I found is maybe sometimes I get ads from Google and then they offer me like 100 Swiss Francs. So make sure you maybe check if this is available for your country, but personally, I’m just gonna sign up for a new Google Ads account without any of these benefits here. So I’m gonna click on start now and you have to have a Google account. So you have to have a Gmail account in order to sign up for Google Ads. But if you don’t have a Gmail account yet, don’t worry. You can just create a new one right here.

All right. So this is what you see when you first log in to your Google Ads account. As you can see here, Google immediately wants us to set up our first campaign and set up our first ads. And before we do that, we are gonna quickly look at how our Google Ads account is set up, because this is something it took me a long time to understand. But once I understood how my Google Ads account is set up and how everything is actually structured, it made life so much easier. So I really want you to understand this, and I’m gonna keep referring back to this graphic right here to make you really understand of how your account is set up and how to structure your ads correctly. So what we have done just now is set up our Google Ads account and the next layer is campaign.

So your Google Ads account can have multiple campaigns. You can have search campaigns, you can have shopping campaigns, so different types of ads. You can have different campaigns for different types of products as well. So this is the first layer, how you can structure your ads. So before we go further into ad groups and actually ads, we’re gonna quickly create our first campaign. And then I’m gonna come back to this and I’m gonna explain further how ad groups work and how different ads and keywords work. For an example, for this tutorial, I’m gonna create an ads for an online store selling oximeters.

An oximeter is something I sold last year, which is just a product that you can put on your finger and it will just then tell you your oxygen saturation in your bloodstream and also your pulse. So this is something I sold through Google Ads last year. And since I closed down the store, so I’m gonna use this Google Ads account later to show you some more strategies and tactics. And I’m also gonna use this as an example to start a new Google Ads account. So let’s go back to our Google Ads account. And the thing you see right here is Google tries to kind of guide you through setting up your first campaign. This is really for people who don’t know what they’re doing.

So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna scroll down and we’re gonna click on switch to expert mode because this will give us the full control over our campaign. So click on switch to expert mode. And then we get to the next page where again, Google tries to guide us through setting up our campaign. So they ask us, do we wanna have sales, leads, website traffic? What’s the goal of our campaign? But again, here, we’re gonna click on the bottom right where it says, create a campaign without a goal’s guidance, because this again, will give us the full control over our campaign.

So click here and then we can decide on what type of ads do we want to set up. We already seen this search ad right here, which is if you type in a keyword in Google, and then you see these text ads where it says ad in front of it, this is a search ad, and this is exactly what we are gonna set up. You also have other possibilities, like for example, these right here are shopping ads that go directly to a specific product. And this is a bit more complex to set up and I’m not gonna cover it in this video. So this is shopping ads right here. You have to set up merchant center and all that kind of stuff.

So we’re not gonna do that. And also, display ads, it’s not really buyer’s intent traffic, because this is similarly like Facebook ads where people just scroll through a content page where they consume content, and then they will just, your ad will just pop up. So there’s a lot less buyer’s intent behind people seeing your ads. You have also video ads to put on YouTube app ads, if you’re selling an app and so on. But again, we’re gonna focus on search ads. There are pretty much the most easy and most straightforward to set up. And also, one of the most powerful ads.

So click on search ads and then what’s the result we wanna get? So we wanna get traffic to our website. We wanna get clicks that go to a landing page, maybe to a page where you have a contact information if you maybe a lawyer’s office and you wanna get new clients. So whatever you wanna send people to, you can click on website visits and then you can type in your website. So let’s say for an example, my website is So I’m gonna send them directly to the product page. And as you can see, this website doesn’t exist. I don’t know if somebody owns this website, actually, it’s just as an example. So then you can click on continue.

And now, we can give our campaign a name. So what we’re gonna name the campaign is search campaign because this is search ad, search campaign. And then I’m also gonna put SKAG, which is short for single keyword ad group, because we’re gonna target specific ad, specific keywords with our ad groups, but more on that later. And this is version one because eventually, we’re gonna have multiple versions. And then the next step is networks.

Here, I would recommend if you’re starting out to just untake both of these. If you don’t get enough traffic later on, you can come back here and enable search network. This is kind of other websites that also offer search networks, they also are able to show your ads. But in the beginning, I only wanna show up on the Google search traffic. So I’m gonna untake this. And also display network, I would always untake display network, because again, this is not really a search intent traffic or buyer’s intent traffic. So untake both of these. And then you can go to show more settings. You can also give your ads a start and an end date.

So maybe you wanna set up ads for next month, and you’re not gonna come back into your ads account. But in my opinion, that’s really unrealistic because when you set up paid ads, you’re probably gonna come back to your ad account at least once a week. So in my opinion, I’m just gonna always start it from now. I’m gonna do everything manual.

So I’m gonna start it manually. I’m gonna end it manually. So start date is today and then end date, none. If the ads don’t work, I’m just gonna turn it off manually. And I would highly recommend to do that as well. Don’t just leave your ads running for like weeks without checking them because your credit card will just be charged and you don’t even know if your ads actually convert. So yeah. Then campaign URL options, we’re gonna skip that.

Dynamic search ads, it’s also, we’re gonna skip it. Schedule, if you only wanna have your ads show at a specific time, you can enter the time frame right here. But I don’t really care when people buy from my store so I’m just gonna leave it as it is right here. Then targeting an audience. This is important. So depend, so where are your customers? If you are selling to the United States, then obviously, you wanna change because live in Switzerland, it’s by default says Switzerland, but for example, I sold these oximeters to the United States. So what I would do is click on, enter another location, and then I type in United States. And then it will only show my ads to people in the United States.

You can also, maybe if you’re selling also to Canada, you can also add Canada right here, but make sure that you only target your best customers. Like if you can ship to maybe the UK, then you don’t wanna have your ads shown to people who live in the UK. So let’s say, I only wanna advertise to United States. So I’m gonna choose this. And then I always go to location options as well. And here, I make sure that I choose this one here, presence, people in or regularly in your targeted locations, because by default, it’s presence or interest. And if you take this right here, which is by default recommended, it will also show your ad to people who are interested in your country.

You’re interested in the United States. And I only want people who are living in the United States because I need to ship my product to the United States. So I’m gonna choose presence right here. And then exclude, this is correct by default, and people in your excluded locations. So everything that is not United States, the ads will not be shown to those people. Then language. This should be the language of your customers, obviously. So this is English.

This is fine for me. Then audiences. This is only if you already have audiences. So when we’re gonna skip that, we’re not gonna need that. Then budget. This is how you will pay Google for showing your ads for the clicks that you’re getting from your ads. Now, I would choose the currency that you intend to pay Google with. So in my example, I live in Switzerland. I pay with Swiss Francs. So I’m gonna leave this as Swiss Francs. If you live in the United States, then choose United States dollars. But as next, for this tutorial, because it makes it easier, I’m gonna choose United States dollars, but make sure you choose the currency that you are intend to pay in.

Then we can also define our budget. So how much do we want, are we willing to spend? So this is an upper limit. So let’s say we are not willing to spend more at the beginning, maybe like $10. So I don’t wanna spend more than $10 per day on average. So I’m gonna set my budget to $10 per day. Now, this doesn’t mean that Google might will only spend $10 per day. Sometimes Google will spend more than $10. Sometimes Google will spend $15. But overall on average, Google will not spend more than $10 per day on average. So Google will not spend more than $300, 30 days in a month, 30 times $10. So don’t be surprised if it will spend more than $10 because sometimes Google thinks, “Okay, the convergence are better on Monday. So I’m gonna spend more on Monday.

” So I would start with, I don’t know, at least $10 because you need to get some traffic. You need to get some clicks in the beginning to be able to optimize. When you only do like 1, 2, 3, $5, then it will take a long time until you get enough data so you can optimize your ads. Because in the beginning, you will probably not be profitable with your first ads because you have to optimize. You have to find the audience that will convert the best. You have to find the best ads. You have to find the best keywords. And that’s why I would even go to $20 to start out. So let’s do $20 and then let’s move on to bidding. Now, this is also a big topic. So this is the way that that Google will charge you for the clicks that you’re getting on your ads. So you can have different bidding strategies.

As beginning, it makes sense to keep this on clicks because we, in the beginning, want to get data. We want to get clicks so we can see what clicks will convert into customers, what clicks will convert into sales. So normally, you can just keep this on clicks as beginning. And then also, you wanna set up conversion tracking and I’m gonna leave a tutorial down below in the video description that will show you exactly how to set up conversion tracking, use the Google analytics.

So you can see exactly what clicks actually result in a sale, in a new customer. So, and then when you have set up conversion tracking, you can change this one to conversions and then Google will optimize your clicks so that you get as many conversions as possible because eventually that’s what makes you money.

And then you can also set a maximum cost per click bid limit. Now, before we set this, I want to explain to you how the bidding system works, because this is something a lot of people don’t understand, but it’s something that is quite important to understand in my opinion. So we have now set up our campaign. Let’s move on here. Then, so the price that you pay for each click is a formula. So it’s the ad rank of the person below you, divided by your quality score, plus 1 cent.

Now, I know this sounds very complicated and you’re not understanding this right now. But bear with me here, I’m gonna explain everything. So let’s say we have four advertisers. They all advertise on the same keyword. So let’s say fingertip oximeter. They all advertise on that specific keyword. Now, every advertiser can define a max bid. So this is what we can define here. So let’s say our max bid, what we are willing to pay, the highest price we’re willing to pay for a click on our ad is $2.

We never wanna pay more than $2 for a single click. So let’s say we are advertising number one here. Then advertiser number two, he sets this to $4, advertiser number three to $6, and advertiser number four to $8. These are our max bids for our clicks. Now, another thing that you should become familiar with is the so-called quality score. This is very, very, very important for Google Ads. Google gives your ad a quality score from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, being the best, one being very crappy.

So while Google is showing your ads, they will kind of track what will happen afterwards and then they will kind of develop a quality score for your ad. The quality score depends on your landing page, one sec. Let me do drag myself to the left side here. The quality score depends on your landing page experience. So are people actually staying on the page that you’re sending people to? How long are they staying on the page? Are they scrolling? Are they clicking on things? So this is the landing page experience. This shows Google that people are actually finding what they’re looking.

Google cares about relevancy. They wanna keep their people on their search platform and they will do that by giving people what they want. So the landing page experience is very important than add relevancy. If you in your ad have the exact keyword that people are looking for, you will get a high quality score because you have high ad relevancy. So for example, if I type in wooden watch right here, and then it says, then it says, wooden watch right here. I don’t know if you can see it, then I will get a high relevancy because I’m crafting the ad for the exact keyword that people are looking for.

So that’s also very important and then expected click-through rate So when Google shows your ads to 100 people, and then let’s say three of those 100 people click on your ads and you have a 3% click-through rate, now you wanna get the highest click-through rate possible because Google wants to make as much money as possible. So they wanna have people actually click on the ad because they only make money when they click on it because we as advertisers only have to pay when people click.

So you wanna increase your expected CTR, which is click-through rate, and you do that by making your ad as relevant as possible. So use the exact same keywords as people search and also make it as big as possible. Take the most amount of real estate on Google so that people much more likely to click on your ad, but I’m gonna show you everything in this tutorial, how you actually do that. So this is quality score. And now, now there’s ad rank. The ad rank will decide on where your ad will show up The advertiser with the highest ad rank is the person that will get the best place on Google.

So here, for example, let me drag myself to the right side again. This person right here has a higher ad rank than this person right here. So this is a better place on Google. And this is exactly how Google defines where your ad will be placed. The person with the highest ad rank will get the best placement. Now, how does Google define your ad rank? So it’s actually a formula. It’s max bid times quality score. So your max bid for advertiser number one is $2. Quality score is 10 because they have very good ads, very high relevancy, and very high expected CTR.

They get an ad rank of 20, which is higher than in other advertisers. So they get the first place on Google. Advertiser number two is max bid $4 only has a four outta 10 quality score. So four times four is 16. So they get an ad rank of 16. So they are below this first advertiser. Now, and this is all Google needs to define on how much you have to pay. So again, let’s look at the formula on the top, your price. So the actual CPC, the actual cost per click is the ad rank of the person below you. So for advertising number one, it would be 16 because this is the ad rank of the person below advertiser number one.

So 16 divided by the quality score of you, so of the advertiser number one, 16 divided by 20 plus 1 cent. So, then this will be the price. As you can see, 16 divided by 10, 16, which is the quality score, the ad rank of the person below you, divided by your quality score which is 10 and then plus 1 cent. And that will be $1.61. So with every click, you will pay $1.61. Now, advertiser number two will have to pay 12, which is the ad rank of person below. 12 divided by four plus 1 cent, which is $3 and 1 cent.

So you can see, even though the advertise number one has the better ad, the better ad placement, the more prominent place on Google, they have to pay a lot less than person number two. And advertiser number three pays even more. They pay $4 and 1 cent, even though they have a worse place on Google and the reason is because they have such a bad quality score.

So the thing you should get out of this is to increase your quality score as much as possible. You wanna have the highest quality score possible. So when we go back here, you want to have the best landing page out of all advertising. You wanna have the best ad relevance, and you wanna have the highest expected CTR. That’s how you get on the front of the Google search results. And also, you pay a lot less than other advertisers, which will increase your profitability by a lot. It can mean the difference between being profitable and being unprofitable.

So quality score, extremely important. So let’s say if I covered everything here, perfect. Now, let’s move on to our Google Ads account. So now that you understand how bidding works, let’s set our bid. Let’s say our bid is, I would start out with like $1. This is a pretty good bid depending also on kind of what you’re selling, but I’m gonna start with $1.

It doesn’t mean it’s gonna spend $1, but it’s just what you are willing to pay as a maximum. Now, let’s move on. Let’s go to show more settings, conversions. Obviously, you wanna set up conversion tracking, really important. I’m gonna leave a tutorial down below in the video description. After this video, you can set up conversion tracking, really important. Ad rotation, not gonna cover, bother with that. Now, ad extensions also very important.

I see a lot of tutorials on YouTube just skipping ad extensions, but ad extensions is what can boost your, like Google’s says it itself, get up to 15% higher click-through rate using Google extensions, ad extensions. So what are ad extensions? These here are ad extensions. So this ad, as you can see, is quite large because they use ad extensions. This one right here, for example, is a cycling extension.

This is just a deep link going into directly shop men’s best sellers. They go to have a page where they have their best sellers and they have a specific link that goes directly to that page. And then they have women’s watches, watches under $100, shop wood and blah blah. So they have added those extensions, which gets them more real estate here on the first page of Google and tests show that the larger your ad is, the more likely people will be to click on your ad, which will increase your CTR, your click-through rate, which will increase your quality score, which will decrease your cost per click and increase your profitability. So you have to use add extensions. Now, which ones should you use? So you have to structured snippets, which is just more words right here. And by the way, don’t worry, people are not gonna read this right here.

People are just gonna glance over what they’re seeing here. And if they’re seeing like some keywords that they are looking for, they will click on the ad. If you’re like, you don’t have to be grammatically perfect right here or if the sentence isn’t really perfectly structured, don’t really worry. It’s just about getting the most real estate and kind of the most clickable ad. Okay. So adding extensions is very important to get more real estate on your ad. So what extensions should you actually add?

So there are a lot of possibilities. The site link extension, like I said, are like links that goes through different places on your website. So what you can do is add a new sitelink extension. And then maybe, if you have maybe a lawyer’s office, you can say like, get a free consultation or you can do, see, or our services, something like that, and then give description and then also find the URL, should be the URL that goes directly to this specific page.

If you only have one landing page, which is what I had, you can also just let’s say for this store, I had something like best oximeter on sale, oximeter on sale, or let’s say number one oximeter, something like that. And then I put the same landing page right here as I have as a main landing page for the main ad. If you get an error because it’s the same URL, then just finish your ad without extensions, and then come back later inside of your ad and then add those extensions with your landing page and then somehow it works. That was the case for me.

So these are sitelink extensions, which again, are these ones right here. Sometimes they’re not as prominent. Sometimes they look like, they look like this right here. So little, little, very small, but still, it makes your ad larger, which gets your, a higher click-through rate. Okay. Then callout extensions. You can also add a couple of these. Now, I would add like maybe like four to eight different sitelink extensions, then like 10 callout extensions, like 50% of today, all that kind of stuff. Also, try to include some numbers in your ad and also maybe like free shipping because all these kind of things, they, people like to click on numbers. They kind of gravitate towards numbers, for example. So this is just a kind of a little tip on the side. So callout extensions, you can also do these.

And call extensions only if you wanna, if you have a phone number and you want people to call you, you can also add your phone number right here. And you can also add more like structured snippets, app extensions, blah, blah, blah, price extension if you wanna tell them the price. Basically, in my opinion, put as many as possible. Google will not show every extension that you will put there, but you have the possibility that Google shows it and then you get more real estate. Okay. So we talked enough about extensions. So let’s actually move on. Okay. So we have now just finished setting up our campaign settings, and now we are one layer deeper, which is ad groups.

So when we go back to our overview right here, we see that we have just set up our search campaign, single keyword ad groups version one. And inside of that campaign, we will set up our first ad group. So here is what we’re gonna use a strategy that will make sure we get the lowest cost per click and the best conversions. And we’re gonna do that by achieving the highest quality score and by creating the most relevant ads for the keywords that we are targeting.

So for example, let’s look at this ad group right here. We are targeting with this ad group, finger pulse oximeter. So for each ad group, so each ad group is dedicated to one keyword. So for each keyword that I wanna target, I’m gonna create a separate ad group. The reason why is because for each ad group, I’m gonna create specific ads that are designed so that they are as relevant as possible to this specific keyword. So let me just show you right here. So when somebody types in finger pulse oximeter, I want my ads to show finger pulse oximeter.

Your ad can’t be better than actually giving your visitors exactly what they are searching. So if I search finger pulse oximeter, I seen ad finger pulse oximeter. Well, that’s what I wanna do. That’s the one I wanna click on. So, and that’s why we do dedicated ad groups for our targeted keywords. So for the first ad group, we’re gonna name this ad group finger pulse oximeter because that’s the keyword we wanna target with this specific an group. Then here, this is automatically put in because this is the website we wanna send people to, the landing page. And then we have to type in our keywords.

Now, let’s type in finger pulse oximeter because that’s the keyword we wanna target, finger pulse oximeter. Now, when I only want my ad to show up when people type in this exact keyword, finger pulse oximeter, then I have to put these brackets around my keyword. This is a so-called exact match. So there are different match types in Google. And I’m gonna show you exactly what these match types look like. So here, we have an overview of match types. So there is the exact match.

There is the phrase match, the broad match modifier, the modified broad match and the broad match. So here is what we have just done. We have put brackets around our keyword and then people will only see my ad when they type in exactly what is in that bracket exactly or a close variant. Google also shows it when people type in maybe a plural version, or maybe they misspell the word a little bit.

So that’s something Google just does. You can’t really turn that off, but it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t really hurt your conversions. So only this exact word or a close variant of that word. So as an example, when somebody types in women’s hats and I do the exact match of women’s hats, then people only see it when people type in women’s hats or women’s hat, for example, because that’s the singular version of hat. And then there is the phrase match.

When you put in these quotation marks around your keyword, then the keyword has to be part of the phrase that people type in the search bar. So when people type in, buy women’s hats then my ad will also show up. And then we have to broad match modifier, to modify broad match so it can put a plus in front of your keywords, which means that each keyword that has a plus in front of it, this keyword has to be in the search bar what people type in. So here, for example, hats for women, it will show up because hats is in there and women is also in there.

Women is kind of a synonym or a close variant of women’s. If it would just be, let’s say women, let’s say, I don’t know, pants for women, then it wouldn’t show up because hats isn’t in the phrase. And then we have broad match, which Google also includes misspelling, synonyms, related searches and other relevant variations. So we get a lot more traffic, but maybe not the traffic you want. So I recommend to only use these three in the beginning, only the modified broad match, the phrase match, and the exact match. So that’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna use the exact match right here. Then we’re gonna use the phrase match, finger pulse oximeter, and we’re also gonna use the modified broad match.

So finger pulse oximeter. And by the way, here on the right side, Google kind of tries to give you an estimate of how many clicks you can expect, what’s the average cost per click, and the cost per day. And my experiences isn’t really that accurate. So don’t worry if it says only two clicks per day, and it’s not really that accurate. And also, you’re gonna use multiple keywords anyway. So you’re gonna have more clicks than that per day. So let’s move on and maybe create another ad group for another keyword. So we can scroll down and click on add new ad group. And now, let’s go for the keyword, maybe oxygen monitor, because that’s also something people are searching for when they’re interested in buying a pulse oximeter. So now, we’re gonna have a dedicated ad group specifically for oxygen monitor. And we’re gonna do the same thing. We’re gonna do our website URL. We’re gonna put it right here. And then we’re gonna do an exact match, oxygen monitor, like this, can type, and also phrase match oxygen monitor. You get the idea. And then once you have all your ad groups, once you have all your keywords in different dedicated ad groups, then you can click on save and continue. So let me just delete this second ad group right here. And then we’re gonna move on with this first ad group as an example. So save and continue. And now, we are one level deeper. So now, we are at the actual ads.

So when we go here, this is our ad group right here, finger pulse oximeter. We have to find the keywords that we want to have our ads show up for. And now, we can create our different ads, which will show up when people type in these keywords. So let’s go ahead and create our first ad. What we are creating now is what people will see when they type in our keyword. So again, our strategy is to be as relevant as possible. So right now, we are creating an ad for the ad group, finger pulse oximeter. So we want to have our ad be as relevant as possible for that specific keyword.

So let’s start with the headline. I’m just gonna use the one that I’ve used in the store when I was running it. So for example here, I used a finger pulse oximeter on sale. As you can see, finger pull oximeter is our keyword and so that is relevant. Then headline number two will be best finger pulses oximeter. Headline number three will be a limited time, 50% off because again, people like numbers and 50% off. So I’m also gonna put that here. Google shows a maximum of three headlines. Here, you can always see what your ad currently looks like. And sometimes, it will only show two headlines, sometimes it will show three. So always make sure you put three headlines.

Otherwise, you will lose out on real estate for your ad. Then with the display path, this is kind of a URL that is displayed to people, but it’s not necessarily the URL that your ad will go to when people click on it. So again, the same strategy here. I’m just gonna type in finger pulse oximeter because again, it’s most relevant. Google sees this as a very relevant ad. I get a high-quality score, I get a better ad rank, and overall, I will have to pay less money for my clicks. Then with the description as well. I’m just gonna put the one that I have used here for this specific store. Make sure you use all the characters here. So 90 characters is a maximum.

Here, I only used 81 which is also okay, but make sure to use as much as possible as Google gives you here. because again, you wanna make your ad as large as possible. And again, you can always go here on the right side and see what your ad currently looks like. When you have more ad extensions that we talked about before, you should also see them right here. And here again, add things like numbers, add things like free shipping. Those are all words that people gravitate towards and that people like to click on. All right. So now, we just finished setting up our first ad, which looks like this on desktop and like this on mobile. As you can see here, text ads, we have one ad. And what I would recommend is to set up at least two more ads, or I would always kind of set up three ads per ad group because then Google has the possibility to rotate your ads. So sometimes it will show the first one, sometimes it’ll show the second one, and sometimes it will show the third one, and then you’ll get data inside of your account.

And you can see which ad performs the best. And Google will then use the best ad that’s getting you the most conversions. If you only have one ad right here, then Google can really test your ads. So make sure to go down, click on done, create the next text ad, and then just vary around. Use some different words, maybe change around the headlines a little bit, maybe the description also.

So you can really see what actually works the best. But for time reasons, I’m not gonna do this here in the tutorial. So once you have created three ads for your ad group, move on to the next ad group and so on until you have finished all your ads for all your keywords, all your ad groups. Once you are finished, click on save and continue.

And then here on the next page, Google will ask for your payment information if you haven’t set it up already. Obviously, because it’s paid to advertise and they will need a credit card right here. So they can charge for the clicks that you’re getting through Google Ads. Another tip here also, because they have to approve your ads. After you’ve set them up, they will not run immediately. They have to take a look at them and make sure you don’t violate any of their guidelines.

And then they will approve your ads. And then they will start running. For me, for the first, when I did this the first time, it took a couple of days and nothing happened. So what I did, was I contacted a Google representative. I contact the staff of Google and that kind of moved things on a lot quicker. So if you have the same problem, make sure you just contact them and they are actually very helpful, in my opinion. I also had like a one-hour call with one of the representatives. He kind of took, he checked out my Google Ads account. He told me, “Okay, you have to add more ad extensions. You have to add more ads. You have to test this and stuff.

” So they have some good people there and they really kind of take the time to go into your account and kind of help you optimize your ads specifically for your business. So it can’t hurt to just contact them and ask for maybe a call. It’s all for free. So yeah, that’s just a tip by the side. All right. So I now switched to the Google Ads account that I was using when I launched my oximeter store last year. I wasn’t really profitable so I close down the store again, but this Google Ads account will kind of serve as an example here and I’m gonna use it to show you a couple of things.

So we have now set up our first ads and we’re waiting for Google to approve our ads. Meanwhile, there is something very important that we need to do so we don’t waste money on useless clicks. For example, when somebody types in oximeter Amazon, then that person who types that in will probably look for an oximeter from Amazon. They probably wanna buy from Amazon or when they type in specific brands of what you are selling that isn’t you, then you don’t wanna show your ads to those people because they already know where they wanna buy from.

They don’t wanna buy from you. They wanna buy from Amazon or Walmart or something like that. So what we wanna do is we wanna set up a list of keywords that we want to apply to our campaigns so that whenever somebody types in one of those keywords, our ads will not show up and we won’t waste money on those clicks. So what you have to do is go to tools on the top here and then click on the negative keyword list under shared library. And as you can see here, I have a general list and I have a specific list of my product. The general list is a list that I will always use no matter what product I’m selling because these are stuff if you go in here, you see this is stuff like Amazon, cheap, China, contact, coupon, discount, dropshipping, all those keywords aren’t really good.

They’re not converting to customers for me. So I’m putting them in a negative keyword list. If you wanna add keywords, just click on the plus sign here, and add your keywords here. So you have to do a, let’s say, a plus. And then let’s say Walmart, for example, because those people, they wanna buy from Walmart and not from you. So click on save. And then this keyword will be added right here in the negative keyword list. And then when you have set up your key keyword list, you can go down you can click on, apply to campaigns and then choose your campaign right here.

I have already chosen all of my campaigns. So make sure you choose your campaign. Otherwise, it won’t be active. Make sure you choose it, click done, and then this will be active. Now, I have these standard ones right here. We can go through them real quick. So you can see them, maybe copy them. All right. So these are the keywords. Of course, this is for a physical product store. If you have like a service business or something, you might wanna use other keywords. But another thing I wanna show you ’cause as you’ve seen, I have tool lists.

I have a general list and then, oh, sorry, I, then, I have a dedicated list for my specific product. So oximeter list. These are words that I learned by gathering data from my ads. So I notice that people click on my ads, people who click on my ads, they type in Bluetooth or ChoiceMMed or CMS-50F which are brands that aren’t me. So people who type in contact, for example, are looking for an oximeter from this brand. So I don’t wanna show my ad here. So what I did was I went back here, went into my campaign. Then I went to, sorry. Then you go to keywords search terms and then you see what people are actually typing in, what gives you clicks. And as you can see here, oxygen level tester, oximeter.

And then you find words like oximeter CVS, oximeter reading chart. We have Omron oximeter which is probably also a brand. So I paid for a click right here and it’s obvious that this probably won’t convert into a sale for me. So what I would do is I would copy this word right here, copy. And then I would go back into tools, negative a keyword list, oximeter list, and then I will click the plus sign and type in plus, and then Omron.

And then I’m just gonna click on save. And now, this is added to my negative keyword list. So whenever somebody types in this word, my ads won’t show up. So especially in the beginning, make sure to check out your search terms on the keywords right here and see what keywords you’re showing up for. And then keep building out your negative keyword list which again will kind of, it will avoid you paying for useless clicks, which will save you a lot of money.

Now, another thing I wanna show you that is very useful inside of Google Ads is the keyword planner especially if you need to find new keywords, then you can use the keyword planner to put in the keywords that you already know. And then it will give you more keywords that might be very relevant to what you are advertising. So if you go to tools on the top here and then click on keyword planner, then you get to this page right here. You can click on discover new keywords and then you maybe type in something like pulse oximeter, oximeter, and maybe something like on oxygen monitor and also, okay, so I can click on get results. And then make sure your location settings up top here are what you are targeting. So for me, I would have to change this to United States.

So let’s change this to United States, United States country, and deselect Switzerland, save. Then language also makes sure it’s the right language. So this would be English and search networks, Google, and also the timeframe. Let’s say, I wanna have the last month. And then Google gives me some more ideas. So SpO2 oximeter, SpO2 sensor, pulse oximeter price, finger pulse oximeter, all that kind of stuff. So maybe I didn’t know that I could target the SpO2 sensor. Maybe this would be very profitable for me. So what I could do is just copy this keyword right here, copy, and then go back to Google Ads, go back to my search campaign, and then go to ad groups and then just create a new ad group right here with the plus sign right there. And I can create a new ad group for this specific keyword. Again, I can use the exact match SpO2 sensor. Then I could use the phrase match, SpO2 sensor, and also the modified broad match. Then I could click save and continue. And also, the bid, let’s say we do 75 cents. Save and continue. And then again, I would create a specific ad for this specific keyword, like best SpO2 sensor, number one SpO2 sensor, SpO2 sensor 50% off, SpO2 sensor on sale. And just like we did before. So let’s now talk about how to optimize your ads once they are actually running.

So the first thing you have to do before your ads are actually running is to install Google analytics, meaning to install conversion tracking so that with each click that your ads get, you know exactly how many people added something to the cart, how many people actually bought something from you, how many people gave their information, how many people actually called your number, whatever you are advertising. So that’s very important because otherwise, you don’t really know what keywords, what clicks, and what demographics give you the best conversions. So make sure you install Google Analytics. And there’s a tutorial down below in the video description that will show you step by step how to install Google Analytics with your or Google Ads account. So watch that. And then once you have done that, get some data. You have to get data in order to be able to optimize. Let it spend like $50, $100, $200 depending on your budget obviously until you will optimize your ads.

So you have to get some data first and then you can start optimizing from there. And then how do you optimize? So basically what you wanna do is you wanna get more traffic from the keywords that are working really well. So let’s say for fingertip pulse oximeter, this keyword gives me a very high conversion rate. That means that I will increase the bid, my maximum cost per click, I will increase that. So I get a better ad rank and more people will see my ad for this specific keyword, because I know that these people will be more likely to convert. The same thing with ads or keywords that don’t really work well. I wanna decrease my bid because if I’m not profitable, then maybe if I pay less per click, that will get me into the profitability zone. And then maybe also you see that some keywords don’t work at all, or some demographics don’t work at all and you wanna turn them off. Okay.

So now, how do we actually do this inside of our Google Ads account? So what you can do is go to your campaigns. So your search campaign then goes to ad groups, and then you can do this ad group by ad group. So let’s open up the first ad group oxygen oximeter right here. And we have set up three different keyword match types for this specific ad group. And eventually, you got, probably gonna have a lot more. And what you wanna do is you wanna find out the exact match type that is the most profitable for you. So let’s hear sort by conversions. As you can see here, we made one conversion with the broad modified match oxygen oximeter. So this is probably not enough data to really optimize, but if you would have more data in here, you have more conversions, and you can really start to optimize.

So what you’re gonna focus on is search impression share, which means that, and by the way, if you don’t see all these columns that I see, you can go through columns, modify columns, and then choose everything here that you wanna see. Obviously, if you wanna see conversion tracking, you have to, or conversions, you wanna see, you wanna set up conversion tracking. Again, the tutorial is in the description below. So again, so let’s say this is highly profitable for me. Here, the cost per conversion, 48 Swiss Francs is actually not profitable, but let’s say this is like $5, which would be good. Now, what I wanna do is I wanna get more traffic from this specific keyword. So as you can see here now, I’m only showing up for less than 10% of people who actually type in this specific search term.

And my traffic lost or my search loss because of rank is 47.38%, which means that I need to increase my rank so that, that my ad will be shown to more people because I know that when my ad is shown to more people, the type that in, then I will make more sales. So when we go back to this graphic right here, we see that we can increase our rank by increasing our bid because rank is bid times quality score.

So I can increase my bid and that will increase my rank and I will get more search impression share. I will get more eyes on my ad. So what I would do here is go to my max CPC, my max bid, and increase that by like 20, 30%. So let’s say I’m gonna do $1 and then I’m gonna let it run for another week and then I’m gonna come back in here. Now, this is how you can optimize for terms that work very well for you that are very profitable. In other terms that aren’t profitable, you can either decrease your max CPC a bit like 20%, or you can set it to the average CPC, and maybe that will increase your profitability.

And if terms don’t work at all, you can also turn it off. You can go here. You can go here and then go to pause. And then you have turned this specific term off. Another very cool thing you can do is you can go to demographics and you can optimize by demographics.

So let’s say, let’s go to age. And let’s say a lot of people who are buying are 45 to 54 years old. So here, I would increase the bid by maybe 20%. So I get more people in this age frame. Let’s say everybody who’s over 65 years old, they are clicking a lot of my ads, but they are not buying. So what I would do is I just go here and click on exclude from the ad group. And then my ads won’t be shown anymore to those people. But you can really see here that this is only possible when you get some data in your account.

So you really have to start spending and then work with the data you have. And in the beginning, you wanna optimize a bit more. You wanna continue to update your negative keyword list. And then eventually when everything’s kind of running, you wanna do it week by week. So don’t try to optimize every day because you have to give it time to get new data so it can make a decision. So wait a week, make a decision, optimize, and wait another week, and so on.

You can also optimize by the device. So if you click on devices and you have mobile phones, computers, and so on. If you see that you don’t get any conversions from, let’s say tablets, what you can do is just turn off tablets or you can just go to bid and decrease by let’s say 70%. And probably then your ads won’t be shown anymore to people using a tablet. So you can exclude those people from your ads. And that’s really how you can continue to optimize your ads. You wanna keep the keywords that give you a lot, that give you a good conversion ratio, and you wanna throw away the keywords that don’t, but it’s not really as easy as just guessing what are the best keywords. You really have to find them by buying data.

So you have to buy clicks and then you have to look at the data and then decide from there on what are the profitable keywords and increase the bids for those keywords and turn off the other ones that aren’t working for you. All right. So congratulations on making it all the way through to the end of this tutorial. Before I click off, I wanna ask you for a very quick favor and that is to help me out with my conversion rates on my thumbs up button below this video.

All you need to do to increase my conversion rate on that button is to just click that button below ’cause it really helps out my YouTube channel so I can make more in-depth tutorials for you. Also, you can leave me a comment down below, letting me know what you’re advertising on Google. So maybe I can do another tutorial specific to what you are selling. And if you wanna see more videos just like this one, then make sure you hit the subscribe button below this video so you don’t miss any upcoming videos. And with that being said, thank you very much for watching. I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

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