CopyWriting: Seven Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened

CopyWriting: Seven Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened

Seven email subject lines that really work. One of the lessons that I learned from my cooperating mentor, Alan, was years ago. He said, “Do you know Dan what the purpose of an envelope is? “And I said, “Well, I don’t know. What is the purpose of an envelope? I guess to put the stamps on it and get it to somebody in a direct mail context. “And he said, “No, the purpose of an envelope is to get people to open up the letter and see the content inside.

“You see after so many years nothing has changed that much when it comes to your subject line. What is the purpose of the subject line in your email? Yes. That’s correct. It’s to get your readers or subscribers to open up your email. That’s it. Nothing more than. You might say we know a thing or two about email marketing and subject lines. Over the years we have built a massive email list with millions and millions of people. Not spam lists but over the years by offering something worth of value, could be a Pdf, could be downloadable, could be a webinar.

That people have put up their hands and said hey I want more information and they give us permission to email them. Now if you are on my email list then you will know that the frequency of the emails that we send depends on what you request. In some cases, we might send you a few emails. So, in some cases, we might send out a daily email. So what I’m about to share with you comes from testing and experience. Experience that we gained from sending out billions of emails.

One of the most common mistakes that I see people make; copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs make, are they try to make the sale in the subject line. They talk about the offer right in the subject line. Then it comes across as very preachy, very sales, and people delete that email. They never get to see your message. Always remember that the subject line is not designed to make the sale. The only purpose of the subject line is to get them to open the email. The email itself is not designed to make the sale. The purpose of an email is to get them to click on the link that takes them to the offer.

That takes them to the next step. That takes them to book a call with you. Whatever your call to action might be don’t try to make the sale in an email. I’m going to teach you seven email subject lines that really work. And I’m also going to explain why they work. I’m also going to give you different examples and variations so you can apply that to your own business or for your clients.

Subject line template number one: “How to Survive ___” The idea behind this subject line is that you possibly might have a solution that could relieve the pain, the discomfort that your prospect is going through, or the possibility of going through in the future. Understand as human beings, very often, we do things to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. Just like when you’re sitting on a chair. Well, when do you shift? When do you move? It’s when you get a little uncomfortable, right? Then you are like, I need to make some adjustments, like, my back is not comfortable.

That’s exactly it. So if your subject line promises to minimize or even better, eliminate, the pain or discomfort that your prospect is experiencing, chances are they will open up your emails. Let me give you some examples.”How to Survive the Financial Crisis””How to Survive Bankruptcy””How to Survive a Heart Attack””How to Survive Menopause””How to Survive Divorce”You see how that works? You see how that gets people curious?


There is some pain there, right? Then they will open up your email. Now there are variations of this subject could be: “How to Overcome…””How to Deal with…””How to get Past… “All these are variations of this particular subject line template number two: “The Biggest Mistake ___ Make” The idea behind this subject line is it focuses more on the negative. Things that your prospect, your subscribers, have to avoid in order to get the results, the outcome, that they desire. Now think about this very carefully.

“The Biggest Mistakes ___ Make”Now what makes this subject line so powerful is you’re not talking about a mistake. So if you think about the subject line, if you use: “A Mistake ___ Make” Is not as powerful. But you talk about the biggest mistakes, like the most severe ones, the most dangerous ones. Well, I don’t want to make any mistakes.No one likes to a mistakes. You don’t like to make a mistake.I don’t like to make a mistake. Forget about the biggest mistake.

Now, what is the biggest mistake? Right there, you the attention. Now they will open up your emails. So, let me give you an example.”The Biggest Mistake Husbands Make””The Biggest Mistake Wives Make””The Biggest Mistake Entrepreneurs Make””The Biggest Mistake Car Buyers Make””The Biggest Mistake First Home Buyers Make””The Biggest Mistake Investors Make”You get the idea? Subject line template number three: “The Real Secret to ___ “So, come a little bit closer.A little bit closer.A little bit closer. Let me tell you a secret. You see, human beings, we are nosy as hell. We want to know, like, what is the secret? And very often when we’re not getting a certain result.

We want to know, there must be something that we don’t know. Some little-known facts, some, some resources, something that we don’t know that if we know that thing we will get the results that we want. Now, although, in marketing, the word secrets are kind of a little bit overly used, right? A lot of people use, or this secret, or that secret, like, you can see it in marketing on Facebook and on YouTube all the time. Like, oh, I’ve got these secrets to getting whatever results, lose weight, make money, whatever it might be, right? But this subject line plays on that.

So, you are saying that “Yeah, there are a lot of different secrets. They’re a dime a dozen.”But the real secret to ___. That is way more powerful. Way more Powerful. Let me give you some examples: “The Real Secret to Crowdfunding” “The Real Secret to Wedding Planning””The Real Secret to Teeth Whitening” and “The Real Secret to Fat Burning”It’s almost a positive version of “The Biggest Mistakes ___ Make”.It’s just a different spin.” The Real Secret”So, Let’s continue with the real secret to writing a subject line that converts.

Subject line template number four: “The Fastest to Way ___”If given a choice, if you could choose, do you want something fast or do want something slow? Calm and below. We live in a world of instant gratification. We want something, we want something now. We don’t want to wait. We are now conditioned to be impatient. So, when you make a promise of something like”The Fastest Way to ___”Okay, people pay attention because this is a promise that this would get me to the outcome that I want faster.”The Fastest to Start Your Own Business””The Fastest Way to Make Your First $1000 Online””The Fastest Way to Lose Five Pounds””The Fastest Way to Cut Your Insurance Costs by 10%”You see? Instant result. So, what makes this subject line effective is you making a very specific promise.

Now, here’s how you could screw that up. Now what you don’t want to do is, you don’t want to make outrageous claims that the prospects don’t believe are achievable. So, in order to make this subject line work, you have to make a promise that is believable and credible as well. Don’t be making crazy promises because then you lose credibility.

Then your prospects, and your readers won’t open up your emails. Let me give you an example. Don’t say, “The Fastest Way to Make a Million Bucks Overnight”That’s just like Hype. They’re like, ah, this is BS, right? Then they won’t open up your email. So, what you want to do is actually under-promise in your subject line. Although, your offer, your product, your service, could do this much. But in your subject line, you actually promise this much, right? Let’s say your program, your selling weight loss, you could actually help people lose ten lbs, or 15-20 pounds in 30 to 60 days, whatever the promise might be. Say five pounds. Say three pounds, right? Under Promise. And as your prospects and readers reading that email automatically their thinking, “You know what?

I think I can do better than that. I think I can lose more, than more than five pounds. I can do ten pounds.”Great. Because if it’s their ideas it’s more believable for them. Does that make sense? Subject line template number five: “Here’s a Shortcut for ___”So, between fast and slow, we all want fast. We want it now. Between easy and hard, we want easy.

It’s the same idea. So this subject line focuses on how you could provide a quick easy solution to your readers and your subscribers.”Here is a Shortcut for ___”Can you see how many ways you could use this simple,yet powerful, subject in all your email communication? Now, let me give you one more tip. When you use a subject line like this.”Here is a Shortcut for ___”If your offer, the offer that you’re making in the email when they click on your page. If that offer is something that could provide instant gratification for the prospects. You will get more sales. Example: It could be a software offer.

It could be something that is an instant download, that they don’t have to wait. Something they could get and access right now. You will get more sales because in the email here’s a shortcut for…Now you are giving them an instant solution that they could purchase. Easy to say yes. Subject line template number six:

“How I ___”You see chances are when your subscribers subscribe to your email list they value your perspective. They value your insights. They value your experience. So when you use a subject line like this.”How I ___” It tells them, Oh, you’re going to share something that’s personal. You’re going to share something that you have done in the past. You’re sharing something that you have experienced in the past. Maybe even challenges and obstacles that you’ve overcome, right? It gets a little bit more personal. It’s storytelling and those are great ways to captivate your audience’s attention.

Let me give you some examples.”How I Grew My YouTube Channel to 1000K Subscribers””How I Launched My First E-commerce Business””How I Found My Soulmate Online””How I Permanently Eliminate Headache”When you are writing an email with this subject line the key here is to be very vulnerable. To share the good, the bad, the ugly, because this is the moment, this is that type of email where you get personal with your readers.

Where you, kind of, pour your heart out and you share with them, “Hey, I know what you’re going through. I’ve gone through the same thing.”That’s how you make that connection and that’s how your reader could relate to you. Subject line template number seven: “About Your ___ “I love this one. This one generates a lot of curiosity.”About Your ___ “So when your readers read the subject line like that, what is going through their minds is, “What’s wrong with my ___? Is there something wrong with my ___ ?” Right?”Do you know something that I don’t know? Do you have advice for me on ___ ?'”Very Powerful.

Let me give you some examples.”About Your Diet””About Your Website””About Your Business””About Your Spouse … “Can you see how effective that would be? Right? It’s a cliffhanger that people want to click on to know more. What about my blank? Another variation of this subject line template is: “I Have a Question About Your ___ “Right?”I Have a Question About Your Funnel” “I Have a Question About your Channel””I Have a Question About Your Home”Do you see how that works?

It’s simple, isn’t it? Curiosity is one of the most powerful ways to get people to open up your emails. All these seven proven subject lines plus an additional two-hundred and thirteen subject line templates. You can simply fill in the blanks and immediately use them in your email or in all your marketing. They are is the ultimate shortcut software that automates the process of writing great copy for you. So click the link below and check this out today.

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